Sunday, March 04, 2007

Jon Fitzgerald Kaleugher II, the good guy who has nothing

I've been told that i'm a "great guy" that I have a "good head on my shoulders." i have nothing wrong with people telling me these things, except for the fact that with these "great attributes" they've gotten me NOWHERE and very slowly. i can't keep the woman of my dreams happy, i can't get straight A's, i can't make more than a handful of friends. in a nutshell i can't do shit with this good head on my shoulders, i haven't been able to do anything with it, at least nothing that will make me love life or at least want to keep going on with it. i bet when they write my eulogy they'll say "Jon was a good man, he didn't do anything wrong and lived a quiet non productive life, giving back exactly what he took, nothing" and that'll be the whole thing.

i guess this all goes back to me not being able to be happy, or at least fool myself into thinking that i'm happy.

well i'm not happy and i know what i want but i can't have it. that's it, that's the story of my life.

it may sound like i'm being an emo kid or something like that, well maybe i am, but that's how i feel right now and you didn't have to read this. although i seriously doubt anyone will read this, that's usually how things work out.

Peace, Love and Empathy

Jon Fitzgerald Kaleugher II
the good guy that has nothing


At 7:08 PM, Blogger mindizzle said...

see comment on xanga.


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